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Upvc Chemical Compatibility

The majority of the world's plastics production is currently derived from ethylene, a chemical compound (C2H4) produced by the oil and gas industry. While PVC can be created from various hydrocarbons including coal and plant derivatives such as sugar cane, it is typically recognized as a petrochemical product.

The primary chain of the polymer consists of single bonds between carbon atoms, giving PVC excellent chemical resistance, similar to other versatile plastics like PE, PP, and PS. Some engineering plastics and specialty resins may be vulnerable to acids or alkalis, but PVC stands out due to its superior chemical resistance and good mechanical properties. These attributes, coupled with many years of proven success, make PVC a popular choice in construction applications, including chemical storage tanks, plastic valves/flanges, drainage/sewage pipes, and especially window and door frames.

The chemical stability inherent in substances containing halogens such as chlorine and fluorine also applies to PVC resins, which boast fire-retardant properties, durability, and resistance to oil and chemicals. PVC double glazed windows and doors offer versatility to meet the diverse needs of modern architecture. Besides new projects, vinyl double glazed windows and doors are extensively used in refurbishments, often replacing traditional materials like metals and wood.

To ensure PVC remains white after prolonged UV exposure, it contains ingredients such as titanium dioxide (TiO2) and an organic form of tin. Titanium oxide is also widely used by paint manufacturers for pure white paints. These ingredients are costly but necessary to produce high-quality profiles.

Manufacturers who skimp on titanium oxide and tin or use inferior forms may tint their windows a light blue to delay yellowing. However, some profiles are purposefully laminated royal blue to match specific color requirements, not to mask poor quality. We have many samples from various Chinese extruders that have yellowed after UV exposure, yet the profile we use for double glazed windows and doors has received no complaints after over a decade of use.

Key properties of UPVC double glazed window and door frames:

  • Strong and lightweight: UPVC offers abrasion resistance, lightweight, good mechanical strength, and toughness, making it an excellent choice for window and door frame material in building and construction.

  • Easy to install: UPVC can be easily cut, shaped, welded, and joined in various styles, meeting architects' demands for unique and precise designs.

  • Durable: PVC window and door frames resist weathering, rotting, chemical corrosion, shock, and abrasion, making them ideal for long-life, high-performance applications. Studies show that 60% of UPVC profiles in window and door frames have working lives of over 40 years.

  • Cost-effective: UPVC window and door frames provide excellent cost-performance advantages due to their physical and technical properties, durability, lifespan, and low maintenance.

  • Environmental impact: The thermal insulation of UPVC double glazed windows and doors significantly enhances the energy efficiency of buildings. They require less energy and resources during production and are lighter, reducing emissions during manufacturing and transportation. UPVC double glazed windows are durable, reducing the need for frequent replacements, and are recyclable. If recycling is not an option, energy can be recovered through incineration, or the frames can be safely deposited in landfills.

  • Safe: The profile for double glazed windows and doors is a non-toxic inert polymer, meeting all international safety and health standards.

Our double glazed windows and doors, manufactured in Sydney, exemplify these qualities, providing energy efficient windows that enhance both new constructions and renovations with their durability and cost-effectiveness.