Measuring You Window
Before you even order your double glazed windows and double glazed doors, it is essential to measure your old window openings accurately. UPVC double glazed windows and doors are custom-built, meaning they can't be returned if the size ordered is incorrect. For all replacement windows and doors, and some new constructions, our trained technicians will take precise measurements before manufacture in Sydney. Our energy efficient windows are made to high standards of accuracy, ensuring the closest fit possible.
Use the following instructions for cost estimation purposes only: To measure the width, take the size of the frame from wall to wall in three places: near the top, in the middle, and close to the bottom of the window. Consider whether you want to maintain the same number of openings and if the size allows for it. For the height, measure from the top of the window cavity to the bottom.
Don't assume all your windows are the same size. Draw a rough sketch of your house and number each window you plan to replace, then measure each one separately. Fixed panels separated by beams or brickwork are considered separate double glazed window panels and are priced accordingly.
We don't stock standard windows and doors; each double glazed window and door is manufactured to your individual specifications.
Report your sizes in millimeters, width first, but to avoid confusion, always label the sizes with width and height, along with the window number and/or location. Generally, there is no significant difference in sizes taken by clients and us, and we would typically bear the cost of any marginal rounding or measurement errors. However, this does not extend to major mistakes such as accidentally omitting half the window length.